Are you familiar with Dougnut Economics? It introduces the Doughnut Model from which new principles for 21st century economics originate. We wondered what a high school economics education based on a Doughnut Framework would look like. Please, join us on our quest to find a new curriculum. You can start by sliding over the Doughnut Model and choose an area of interest.

Ecological ceiling Social Foundation The Safe Haven

Ecological ceiling

The ecological ceiling consists of the main boundaries of our ecosystem, which we should respect to maintain a healthy planet. What do Economics students need to know about the ecological ceiling? Is there any overlap with the economic concepts you teach today? How is the way you teach these concepts affected by the Doughnut Framework?

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Social Foundation

The social foundation is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. What do Economics students need to know about the social foundation?  Is there any overlap with the economic concepts you teach today? How does the Doughnut Framework affect the way you teach these concepts?

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The Safe Haven

The safe haven, the Doughnut itself, is where the economic transactions take place that affect our ability to keep everyone on board. How does this perspective affects the way you teach economics? Which economic concepts that you teach today should be retained in the 21st Economics Curriculum?

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The Doughnut Model is explained in the book Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth. You can also watch the Doughnut Economics animations that has been subtitled in over 30 languages, to give you a first impression.

We will add posts and lesson ideas on a regular basis to this site.