The latest update on what was achieved in April 2021.
SearchPost TypeAll Post TypesLessonsTipsDossiersCategory All Categories 2.1 Demand 2.10 Market failure—asymmetric information 2.2 Supply 2.7 Role of government in microeconomics 2.8 Market failure – Externalities and Common goods 3.1 Measuring economic activity 3.4 Economics of inequality and poverty 4.10 Economic development strategies Change Choice Curriculum Ecological Ceiling Economic Well-Being Efficiency Equity General IB Key Concepts IB Units Interdependence Intervention Lesson Safe Haven – Into the Doughnut Social Foundation Sustainability Unit 2: Microeconomics Update Tag All Tags absolute advantage allocation system biodiversity biogeochemical cycle bitcoin board game boardgame carbon footprint carbon tax case study circular economy climate change commons consumer surplus cross-curricular dead weight loss dead zone deforestation delay demerit goods ecological footprint Ecology economic performance economic policy economic scarcity energy usage equation of exchange Exchange over time fashion industry flow Four lenses approach future thinking game GDP gold standard harberger's triangle health hierarchical structure household budget housing human interference import tariff inequality international trade know your economy ladder of inference living wage marginal social cost market failure market model market system merit goods model thinking money supply nature nitrogen cycle nitrogen footprint non-renewables normative framework normative statement ozone layer depletion personal budget positive statement prisoner's dilemma profit profit pool protectionism provisioning systems regenerative stock subsidy supply chain systems of provision approach systems thinking temperature value value chain velocity of circulation water availability water consumption water poverty water supply waterfootprint waterstress welfare willingness to pay WTO Doughnut element All Doughnut elements Air Pollution Climate Change Ecological Ceiling Infrastructure Markets Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading Physical Provisioning Systems Social